Cancer Rehabilitation Program

Welcome to TOPS Physical Therapy Cancer Rehabilitation Information

At TOPS Physical Therapy, we specialize in providing compassionate and personalized physical therapy services for individuals undergoing cancer treatment and survivors aiming to regain strength and mobility. Our dedicated team understands the unique challenges faced during and after cancer treatment, and we're committed to helping you achieve your rehabilitation goals in a supportive, uplifting and fun environment.

Our mission is to empower cancer patients and survivors through specialized physical therapy that addresses the whole person, not just the symptoms. We believe in a patient-centered approach, focusing on improving quality of life, enhancing physical function, and fostering emotional well-being.

We offer tailored rehabilitation programs that address the unique needs of your specific goals and evaluated deficits. This is a core distinction of the programming provided by TOPS Physical Therapy. Our services include:

  • Pain Management
  • Lymphedema Management
  • Improvement of Range of Motion and Strength
  • Fatigue Management
  • Balance and Gait Training
  • Post-surgical Rehabilitation

Supportive Therapies

In addition to physical therapy, we offer supportive therapies such as mindfulness practices to support your overall well-being, yoga, cranial-sacral therapy and Reiki.

What to expect at your first appointment with TOPS Physical Therapy Cancer Rehabilitation.

Returning to your prior level of activity is our priority, and we want to work with you to achieve this.

On your first visit, we will perform an evaluation of your current physical state, determine the deficits, and come up with your goals together. The more information you provide to our team, the better we can create a plan that aligns with your vision.

From there, we will perform any appropriate manual work, whether it is therapeutic massage, passive range of motion, light exercises or walking demonstrations.

On subsequent visits, we will continue to provide the manual work needed, progress your exercise program and get you back to your life, as you dreamed of!

If you're still wondering, is Cancer Physical Therapy Rehabilitation right for me? Click here to read this blog.

See what other survivors have said about TOPS Physical Therapy Cancer Rehabilitation:

Ready to start your rehabilitation journey? Call or text us today to schedule an appointment (602) 826-1825.

Explore the role of Cancer Physical Therapy Rehabilitation as a beacon of hope for individuals facing the physical challenges of cancer and its treatments. Learn the benefits of personalized therapy at various stages of the cancer journey, from early diagnosis to post-treatment recovery, highlighting improved mobility, side-effect management, and enhanced mental well-being.

If you're still wondering, is Cancer Physical Therapy Rehabilitation right for me? Click here to read this blog.